The Characteristics of Sagittarius

November 22, 2016 | By | Reply More

SAGITTARIUS: November 22nd to December 2oth Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the  Zodiac  and  a  rather susceptible sign which belongs mainly to the instinctively happy and optimistic types.

SagittariusGeneral Characteristics

You often possess an unusual amount of energy, and are loyal and very understanding when you want to be. You never find it difficult to express yourself, and where romance is concerned, or anything over which you may display your affections, you are more demonstrative than those born under any other sign. You will face tremendous odds to achieve freedom of thought and action and can never therefore be called conventional.

At times, you possess an uncanny instinct for finding out the weak spot in other people and hammering this in. (This may be a good thing for you but is unfortunate for your associates.)

You are not deceitful, indeed it would be difficult to find someone who is more open and frank. You have high principles and are very independent by nature.

Tidiness is most certainly not one of your attributes, and indeed this is something for which you have no regard. When engaged on anything of importance to you, you can close your eyes to everything that is going on around you.

If one tries to stop you doing what you have made up your mind to do, one will find that you become almost militant in your attitude towards one and you are at times quite ready for a good fight.

Some variations according to the actual date you were born

If you were born between November 22nd and 3oth you nearly always rebel against control, and are very candid and bluntly outspoken. You are the sort of person who wants to take a watch to pieces in order to find out what makes it work. You have an analytical mind.

If you were born between December 1st and 10th, you are emotional and find it hard to keep a secret. You love discussing things and anything of a philosophical nature captures your mind almost immediately. You are very independent.

If you were born between December 11th and 20th, you are often quite falsely accused of being selfish because of your indifference. It would be fairer to say that you are a persevering and determined type. If someone angers you, that person will feel the lash of your tongue. You are naturally witty but others should be wary of you for you know instinctively just where to hit to give the greatest hurt.


When looking for a career you could not do better than to look in the direction of teaching or designing and most certainly working for yourself if at all possible. You make an excellent worker in any social field, too, and it has been known for you to become an outstanding cleric.

Health Issues

Constitutionally, you are fairly strong, but if you should suffer from any kind of chest trouble you should take things easily for a while. Catarrh and bronchitis are weaknesses and as much outdoor exercise as possible is essential to you.

‘Luck-bringers’ are as follows:

The colours which prove to be the most fortunate for you are the purples and all the allied shades.

The jewel to be worn most frequently is the turquoise.

The day for you to bear in mind when you wish to push forward an important issue of any kind to success is Friday. Monday is not a good day for you.

The month of the year cannot be singled out. As you have a rebellious nature, you are apt to bring important issues to a head at any time throughout the year.

Partnerships: on the whole, you seem to find your greatest happiness and success when you select a partner from Aries (those born between March 21st and April 20th) or from Leo (July 22nd to August 21st). When married to a Capricorn type, there is little hope of success or happiness.

Should you choose an Aries subject, then you must expect at times to live in a slightly explosive atmosphere, for even though Aries subjects are themselves rebellious, they must always do the leading. However, the Aries type is a perfect foil for your own independent nature and so far as protection is concerned you could not find a better mate.

Should you choose a Leo subject, a happy existence lies ahead for you and you should have a wide social circle ( friends. Leo subjects are very self-controlled on the whole, bi if they are angered they throw caution to the winds and real! let fly. They are prone to take action without warning and allow their hearts to rule their heads. However, in a Leo subject you will have a very sympathetic partner.

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Until Next time ………………


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