Why Worry?

April 17, 2021 | By | Reply More

We all worry about something from time to time, however, did you know that 98% of the things we worry about never happen!

Over the years I’ve received many thousands of letters and emails from people who are going through difficult times and it usually boils down one single thing WORRY.

 I know from experience it’s no fun worrying about something that interferes with your life, no matter what it is. Having a flat tire, for instance, is a pain but, that can be fixed in a relatively short amount of time. Not so with some other things that interfere with your life on a daily basis. For instance, worry and anxiety is a big problem I come across regularly and it’s far more widespread and caused much more misery than most people imagine.

Anxiety is always the result of worry so what can we do about it? The first thing is to decide what is it that has caused you to worry in the first place to bring on the anxiety. Once you’ve clearly defined your worry, determine how valid it is. Is this something that’s a real possibility, or is it more of a “this is what might happen” scenario? If you find that it’s a “what if” scenario, remember what I said at the beginning 98% of things we worry about never happen, so try to justify your fears. Whichever it is the following may help.

Let me give you an example, when you’re worrying about dealing with a family situation, remember that you can control what you are going to say or how you are going to react. You understand the nature of the problem and how you would like it to be resolved, but you also have to be aware that all you are really controlling is yourself. So, if you stick to your prepared script as it were regardless of others may say you have done your part. Everything beyond that is outside of your control. By going in prepared, you’ll maintain control over what you can and is YOU. Once you let others take control over you the worry will just escalate because you have no control.

If you have a serious anxiety problem I recommend you also visit a Doctor or other health care person and although they will not be the complete answer, once you explain you problem they will be in a better position to offer some form of assistance. I hope this is of some help to some of you and if you feel like leaving a comment below or dropping me an email I would appreciate it.

Until next time ………

Gypsy Petulengro

Category: Blog, Wellbeing

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